The Effectiveness of Dual Language Programs

For my research project so far, I have decided to start researching dual language immersion programs and their effectiveness for both native and non-native English speakers. I plan on narrowing down this topic in the future, so this blog post will focus on the benefits of these programs on students whose first language is not English. Almost all of the articles I have read so far state that dual immersion programs are “the most impressive forms of education being offered in the United States” (American Councils Editorial Staff 2017) and they provide countless benefits relating to social skills and academic achievement.
Coming from a school where half the students primarily spoke Spanish, dual immersion programs successfully broke the language and social barriers between students. According to the article “Dual Language Immersion Will Change Achievement in American Public Schools”, dual language immersion has "offered public schools an opportunity to support historically underserved students while providing every student an equal playing field to excel and to accrue the benefits of bilingualism" (American Council Editorial Staff 2017). In a traditional American educational system, ESL (English as a Second Language) students have struggled to produce the same level of academic success as their English-speaking classmates, as they are more likely to underperform in subjects like reading and writing. Dual language programs strive to break this achievement gap, as these students will be able to learn English along with their native language. In addition, these programs allow for interaction between cultures and develop more of an understanding between students. More cities, including Washington D.C., have made these programs more accessible so ESL students have equal opportunities and a greater chance of graduating high school and enrolling in college.
In order to further learn about this topic, my next step will be looking at specific research articles and statistical evidence. I also want to look at the causes and effects of language barriers within public schools, as they often create a strong division between students. This type of division between different social groups has also been frequently discussed in our class. Based on my own experience, dual immersion programs have had extraordinary effects on my peers and I. Growing up, I was immersed with different Hispanic cultures and am now fluent in Spanish. In addition, I noticed no separation between myself and my Spanish-speaking friends, which is the most important part.


American Council Editorial Staff. (2017, July 12). Dual Language Immersion Will Change Achievement in American Public Schools. Retrieved February 14, 2020, from American Councils for International Education website: -news/dual-language-immersion-will-change-achievement-american-public-schools


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